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Below are some resources for services related to the work that I do, listed alphabetically. While I cannot guarantee the quality of work from the individuals/groups on this list, I strive to only include those who I have personally interacted with or that come from a trusted source. If you have any feedback on this list (whether to remove or add), please don't hesitate to share it!

Counseling & talk therapy

Center for Relational Change:

Congruent Relationships Counseling & Wellness:

Create & Connect Collaborative Therapy Services:

Internal Family Systems Institute - Directory:

Open Space Counseling, Consulting & Wellness:​​

Outside the Lines Creative & Relational Therapies:

Music therapy

*Offers the specific gender affirming voicework I engage in

**Offers voicework or vocal training for exploring gender


*Connecticut Music Therapy Services:

Create & Connect Collaborative Therapy Services:

*Divergent Timbres:

**Elizabeth "fig" Harris:

**Inner Rhythms Music Therapy:

Meera Rani Creative Wellness:

Outside the Lines Creative & Relational Therapies:

Philadelphia Music Therapy:

*Within Space and Sound:

Community resources

Central Outreach:

Dreams of Hope: Queer Youth Arts:

Girls Rock! Pittsburgh:

Persad Center​:

Proud Haven:

SisTers PGH:

Trans YOUniting:

In crisis?

While I am unable to provide emergency services, I am committed to engaging in anti-oppressive healthcare that is anti-carceral. Here is a link to crisis resources. It is always a good practice to review an organization's specific policies before disclosing any information that could lead to an involuntary intervention or forced hospitalization.

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